Alright everyone, here's the deal. I get asked questions about my life, sometimes medical sometimes not,all the time! I want to be able to address all these questions. It will also help me know what I should be writing about. I've got SO much that I've experienced and SO many thoughts run around in my head that I'm nervous about hitting everything I need to or not getting enough facts out! So PLEASE, whenever you have a question, regardless of what it's about- leave a comment and I will answer your questions in a new entry! From there, stories will come out as I remember experiences I've had and other things I've been asked making my blog truly a blog that others will enjoy reading. Just because I'm 'different' doesn't mean that I haven't had friend issues, fights with my parents, insecurities, trials, and all the stuff that comes with life. It just means that I sometimes have to handle these situations differently- and that's okay. I hope that by reading my blog, people will understand that different is okay. That we're beautiful the way we are and that we shouldn't be ashamed of it. Different is normal. And, as I always say,
"There's no such thing as normal!!!"
P.S. I also posted this on the side for all to read as a reminder but since I have a feeling no one really reads over there, I figured I'd make it a post too. I'm going to be REALLY adement about this one. Just because I know that there will be questions and I do want to make sure I get them all in. Also, it will help me stay on a topic that I can expand on a bit. So pretty please, help me help you.
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